The STC (formerly ResNet-L) discussion list is a valuable way for community members to pose questions and have discussions on topics of interest. These topics are as varied as the list, but samples include:
- network management
- wireless deployments
- managing and hiring staff
- student support
- policies and procedures
- living-learning environments
- environmentally conscious computing
The new list has approximately 500 subscribers, primarily from higher education. Anyone who is interested in these topics is welcome to join the list.
Commercial/Industry Participants
While we welcome list participation by representatives from industry and commercial entities who supply products and services that may be relevant, all subscribers should be aware that no commercial solicitation of any kind is permitted on the list.
“Commercial solicitation” includes replies which contain an advertisement or sales pitch for a product.
Subscribe to (formerly ResNet-L)
ResNet-L, a listserv previously hosted by the University of Notre Dame, has been moved to the domain. The new home for the list, a Google Group, is (in this case, STC stands for Student Technology Collaboration). To ensure a smooth transition, the list also has an alias of Notre Dame will forward mail sent to the old listserv address, as well.
To join, visit
If you do not have a Google account but wish to join the group, please email and you will be manually subscribed.