Getting Involved

ResNet has many ways for its members to get involved with the organization, both during and outside of the annual Student Technology Conference. There are many committees formed throughout the year to assist the organization with various tasks. If you would like to get involved, keep an eye out on the Student Technology Collaboration, (formerly known as ResNet Listserv) as we will post a need for volunteers. You can also send an email to

Program Committee

Perhaps the most visible way to get involved is to assist with the Program Committee for the Student Technology Conference. Even if you are unable to attend the conference, you can still assist with the Program Committee.  Example duties: Theme Guide, Newsletter Editor, Photographer, Silent Auction Coordinator, Session Moderator, and BoF (Birds of a Feather) Coordinator.

Volunteering for Program Committee

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is charged with putting out the call for nominations for vacant positions on the Board of Directors. The Nominations Committee is chaired by the past president of the Board of Directors and is responsible for vetting candidates and posting the ballot.

Conference Host Selection Committee

The Conference Host Selection Committee is charged with evaluating bids to host the Student Technology Conference. This includes periodic conference calls to review submitted bid documents, formulate questions for the prospective hosts, and decide which candidate host to recommend for selection by the Board of Directors.

This committee also conducts site visits of prospective host campuses to get a firsthand look at the campus and its offerings. These visits are generally performed by committee members or the Board of Directors, at no cost to the volunteer.

Other Committees

Various other committees are formed throughout the year to assist with the conference and various organizational tasks. These tend to be formed on an as needed basis. keep an eye out on the Student Technology Collaboration, (formerly known as ResNet Listserv) as we post a need for volunteers. You can also send an email to

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Join the online discussions on topics that affect student technology on and beyond college and university campuses!

ResNet-L, our Google Group, is (in this case, STC stands for Student Technology Collaboration).

To join, visit!forum/stc and subscribe to the group.