Winter 2017

The Student Technology Conference 2017 is coming!

The website for STC 2017 is up! Check it out at It will be held at Western Carolina University (WCU). The Professional Development Seminars (PDS) will be held on Monday, June 19, followed by the Opening Night Reception. Sessions end on Thursday, June 22, followed by the Closing Event. It is suggested that you plan your departure travel for Friday.

Be sure to keep an eye out for conference registration to open in early 2017.

The Student Technology Conference is held at a college or university, and most participants choose to stay on campus for maximum networking and learning opportunities. The event brings together administrators, technologists, and specialists who plan, implement, and support student technologies; these professionals represent over 150 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and abroad. Content at recent conferences has focused on collaboration between these living and learning environments, institutional academic offerings, varieties of support offered to students, and the future directions of technology and services. Many aspects of such services are addressed through case studies, topic presentations, focus group dialog, birds of a feather discussions, and vendor participation. The mix of participants and their experiences encourages attendees to share knowledge through presentations, panel discussions, roundtable conversations, and often simply through the casual and social atmosphere of the conference.

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