ResNet Online Entertainment Survey
The 2006 Online Entertainment Services Survey is part of a descriptive research effort to begin understanding the phenomenon of employing online entertainment services on college and university campuses in the United States. As this is an emerging phenomenon, a mixed method descriptive research design was selected. The survey was conducted in February and March of 2006 and yielded responses from 31 of the 78 institutions and systems (40% response rate) invited to participate.
- Online Entertainment Services Survey 2006 Methodology
- Online Entertainment Services Survey 2006 Instrument
Survey Results
- Section 3 – Basic Service Information
- Section 4 – Selection, Funding, and Access
- Section 5 – Purpose and Success
- Section 6 – Challenges, Surprises, and Recommendations
Publications & Presentations
- Behind the Music: Online Entertainment Services
ResNet Symposium Presentation by Carol Anderer and Jan Gerenstein. (6/17/06)
Respondent Institutions
Institutions that completed the 2006 ResNet Online Entertainment Services Survey
- Adelphi University
- Alfred State College
- Bridgewater State College
- Eastern Michigan University
- Frostburg State University
- Goucher College
- Hampton University
- Henderson State University
- La Salle University
- Loyola College
- Marietta College
- Middlebury College
- Missouri State University
- North Carolina State University at Raleigh
- Northern Illinois University
- Pace University
- Rutgers University
- Seton Hall University
- Thomas College
- Trinity University
- Tufts University
- University of California – Irvine
- University of Denver
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Missouri – Columbia
- University of Tennessee
- University of Washington
- University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
- Vanderbilt University
- Wesleyan University
- Western Carolina University